Hello RU Fans !!
It's Crystal here! I hope you have had a great week. Thanks for stopping by to see what I have for you today. I am so ready for Flip Flop season and today I have made a matching set to get you ready for the season. Ribbons Unlimited has beautiful quality ribbon and today I am using the 1 1/2" Organdy in Yellow and 5/8" Organdy in Moss and some Satin cord in black . I am going to show you step by step how I created my flowers so let's get started ...
With the 1 1/2" Organdy in Yellow cut 6 pieces 6" long , fold in half , length wise and tack the center edge with sewing thread that matches your ribbon (do all 5 petals and set aside), next I fold that in half and meet the straight end edges together (it should look like a triangle), then add a running stitch on the edge

continue adding all 5 petals on your running stitch so they are all on the same line of thread

pull the running stitch tight to gather all the petals to form a circle. Stitch the first and last petal together to close up and knot off.

Your flower will now look like this. It will form a 6" flower when done.

Next with the 5/8" Organdy in Moss , I used about 36" and loop ribbon back and forth until you have 3 loops and a tail on each side to end up with a 5 inch across bow and sew center to secure.

Then with the Satin cord in black knot up 5 pieces if cord for the center and use the lighter to singe the end so it don't fray later. I hand sew these into the center of my flower ...

I then cut 1-1/2" circles of felt for the back side in matching color to finish my backs

I wanted to make these flower detachable so I added them to gator clips , now they can go on your flip flops, in your hair, on a bag the possibilities are endless ... my flowers on the flip flops are 4 " across so cut pieces to create

Here's a look at my finished Flip Flops!

...and my finished 6" flower hair clip!

Now we have a set for Summer .. come on flip flop season!

I hope you loved this fun project and that you will give it a try! With Ribbons Unlimited and an amazing array of colors and ribbon to choose from to make these, you can use Grosgrain or even Satin to make these flowers too.. until next time stay crafty ..
Crystal Lopez - Design Team member for Ribbons Unlimited